
We love to educate, because we know you want to understand the treatments you seek at a deeper level.

Will I Encourage My Children to Become Physicians in Cincinnati, Ohio?

My short answer is probably not, but not for the reasons you might assume.

Facial Plastic Surgery in Cincinnati, Ohio

“Do you want the bed up?” I heard these words frequently from the circulating nurse and anesthesiologist in the operating room during residency. I heard them rarely, not surprisingly, from my attending physician. It was an expression of concern for my back and neck because I looked so unnatural and uncomfortable operating as a new resident. I almost always replied that I would like the bed raised. However, I initially felt awkward asking. I was usually taller than the attending surgeon and staff. I knew they would need to adjust to accommodate me. It took time, but I grew increasingly comfortable and assertive requesting ergonomic adjustments that were less stressful on my neck and back. I have been interested in the topic since. The following blog post is a summary of what I have learned from research, experience, and conversation with professionals. It is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon if you have aesthetic concerns about your face and/or neck.

Cosmetic Treatments Available in South Korea but Not the United States

Following my previous post on the development of facial plastic surgery in South Korea, this blog post includes a list of cosmetic treatments for the face that are available in South Korea but not the United States (US). It is important to note that not all of the treatments listed below have been evaluated, much less approved, by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). That is, to the best of my knowledge, why the medications and devices are not yet widely available in the US. I will do my best to update this list as I identify additional treatments as well as any additional publications that weigh in on the actual safety and effectiveness of these treatments. It is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon if you have aesthetic concerns about your face and/or neck.

d-Certified Facial Plastic Surgery Jeffrey Harmon in Cincinnati, Ohio

There are a few routes available to be considered qualified to perform plastic surgery on the face and neck. There is one path, however, to become a surgeon focused exclusively on plastic surgery of the face and neck. This path is long and arduous, usually requiring not only extensive training as a head and neck surgical resident but also specialized fellowship training in facial plastic and reconstructive surgery. This training is followed by rigorous testing, first to become board certified in Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery and, approximately two to three years later, board certified in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. This blog post seeks to explain this path in greater detail to explain why it is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon if you have aesthetic concerns about your face and/or neck.

Facial Plastic Surgery Not Written by a Physician

Published in 1998, Lift: Wanting, Fearing, and Having a Face-Lift by Joan Kron is one of the best books I have read on facial plastic surgery written by a non-physician. It is also one of the best histories of facial plastic surgery I have read by any author, physician or not. The book is a time capsule of sorts, capturing a transition point in cosmetic facial plastic surgery before, for example, Botox© and hyaluronic acid fillers were Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved and widely in use. The following blog post is a review of the book and a highlight of some of the wisdom the author imparts about her experience undergoing facial plastic surgery. It is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon if you have aesthetic concerns about your face and/or neck.


It is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon if you have aesthetic concerns about your face and/or neck.

Brow Lift and Upper Eyelid (Blepharoplasty)Surgery in Cincinnati, Ohio

Our experience at Harmon Facial Plastic Surgery has been that most people do not present to our clinic specifically requesting a brow lift, let alone requesting to “lift of my entire eyebrow x inches.” Instead, most present feeling like their eyes look less open and are unsure why. They may pinch the skin on their upper eyelids, describing difficulty with applying makeup because it gets “caught under the folds of skin up there.” They often also pull up the side of their brows, explaining how this makes them feel more youthful, that more sunlight reaches their eyes this way. Broadly, these individuals seek an intervention that can open their eyes back up, highlighting their beautiful shape and color. Surgery is usually the best way to achieve this. It is important to consider both the eyebrows and the upper eyelids when developing a surgical plan because, while treatment of the eyebrows or the eyelids may be effective by themselves, treating both areas together is often the most effective and natural appearing. It is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon if you have aesthetic concerns about your face and/or neck.

Hair Restoration in Cincinnati, Ohio

Our understanding of the complex process of hair growth has advanced rapidly. As a result, new possibilities for treating hair loss have been discovered. One such discovery is the exosome. Exosomes have become an exciting area of research for the treatment of androgenic alopecia – also known as male-patterned or female-patterned hair loss – which is the most common form of hair loss in humans. The following blog post is a summary of the current literature on the use of exosomes to encourage hair growth. It is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon if you have aesthetic concerns about your face and/or neck.

Facelift and Neck Lift Surgery in Cincinnati, Ohio

Almost every surgical procedure in every surgical subspecialty has post-operative bleeding as a risk. This includes facial plastic surgery procedures. And while the risk of bleeding – also known as a hematoma – is low, it is something surgeons work hard to further reduce the risk of, especially with neck lift surgery and facelift surgery. The interventions discussed in this blog post include the use compression dressings, the placement of drains, hemostatic (Auersvald) netting, tissue glues (e.g., Tisseel©, Artiss©, and Platelet-Rich-Plasma [PRP]), and Tranexamic Acid (TXA). Current research does NOT indicate which intervention or combination of interventions is best to reduce the risk of bleeding. It is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon if you have aesthetic concerns about your face and/or neck.

lift and Neck Lift Surgery in Cincinnati, Ohio

The effects of some non-surgical procedures on the face and neck are often promoted as approaching/approximating the effects of a facelift and/or neck lift. These procedures fall into three categories: fillers, energy-based devices, and sutures, otherwise known as threading. In fact, many describe one or a combination of more than one of these non-surgical procedures as a “non-surgical” facelift and/or neck lift. The reality is that none of these interventions or combination of interventions approximate the effects of a facelift and/or neck lift. Instead, we feel the potential benefits of these interventions should be described for what they are and not compared with surgical procedures. The most effective way to treat age related changes to the face and neck remains surgery. More specifically, in the event of loose tissue and drooping volume in the face and neck, we feel the extended deep plane facelift and neck lift are the best surgical techniques to provide a natural appearing and long-lasting result. It is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon if you have aesthetic concerns about your face and/or neck.

Scar treatment in Cincinnati, Ohio

The treatment of scars is complex and often requires multiple modalities of treatment, including lasers, chemical peels, topical medications, injected medications, and even surgery. For more information on the treatment of scars, please visit the linked blog post. One proposed treatment for scars is Botox© and similar medications which are also referred to as Botulinum Toxin-A. A recent study sought to answer the question of whether Botulinum Toxin-A is an effective treatment for scars by combining the data from multiple previous studies to perform something called a systematic review and meta-analysis, which is a qualitative and quantitative study of the effects of an intervention. For more information on how physicians review the literature, please visit the linked blog post. It is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon if you have aesthetic concerns about your face and/or neck.

Brow lift in Cincinnati, Ohio

The “Fox Eye” procedure has become a trending topic on social media, including TikTok. The procedure stretches the side of the eyebrow and temple skin. It most likely involves the use of barbed stitches/sutures in a manner like threading in the face and neck. Everyone is entitled to their own conception of what is beautiful. However, the significant limits of the use of threading and the resultant significant distortion of the anatomy it causes make the procedure not worthwhile in the opinion of Dr. Harmon. This procedure is sometimes confused with the lateral temporal brow lift surgical procedure. In contrast with the “Fox Eye” procedure, this surgical procedure can provide a long-lasting and natural-appearing lift of drooping lateral eyebrows and smoothing of the temple tissue in the appropriate candidate. This blog post seeks to explain the problems with the “Fox Eye” procedure and to contrast it with the lateral temporal brow lift. It is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon if you have aesthetic concerns about your face and/or neck.

Jeffrey Harmon Top Doctor Cincinnati Magazine 2024

Dr. Jeffrey Harmon is honored to have been added to the list of top doctors in Cincinnati Magazine for 2024. It is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon if you have aesthetic concerns about your face and/or neck.

Lower Eyelid "Jelly Roll" Botox in Cincinnati, Ohio

The treatment of the lower eyelid with Botox© or similar medications has become a trending topic on social media, including Tik Tok. Commonly referred to as “jelly roll” Botox, this Food and Drug Administration (FDA) off-label treatment has aesthetic goals. But does its apparent increasing popularity mean it is a safe and effective treatment? See a similar discussion on the placement of Botox© or similar medications in a neck and back muscle called the trapezius. It is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon if you have aesthetic concerns about your face and/or neck.

Perioral Mound in Cincinnati, Ohio

Perioral rejuvenation – or plastic surgery of and around the mouth – is a popular topic in Cincinnati, Ohio. The perioral area includes not only the lips but also the skin and other soft tissue immediately surrounding the lips. The perioral mounds are a subunit of this anatomy that are relevant to facelift surgery. The characteristics and location of the perioral mounds make them very difficult to treat. It is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon if you have aesthetic concerns about your face and/or neck.


I inherited a physician examination table from my mother’s family when I graduated from medical school. The table was a strange inheritance because there are no other physicians in my family. My mother explained that it was found in the attic of one of my great grandparents’ homes in rural Central Kentucky. It is not clear how the table wound up in my mother’s possession. It would become clear years later, however, that it is a historical piece fit for a museum. It is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon if you have aesthetic concerns about your face and/or neck.

Juvederm Skinvive in Cincinnati, OH

We at Harmon Facial Plastic Surgery in Cincinnati, Ohio are excited to announce that we are now offering Juvederm® Skinvive™, the first FDA-approved treatment for the improvement of skin smoothness and hydration in the cheeks using hyaluronic acid. Long popular worldwide, including Western Europe and Asia, this treatment is likely to become a beautiful complement to many other procedures, both surgical and non-surgical. Please read an earlier blog post for more information on the different depths hyaluronic acid filler can be placed. It is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon if you have aesthetic concerns about your face and/or neck.

Trap Tox in Cincinnati, OH

The treatment of the trapezius muscle with Botox© or similar medications has become a trending topic on social media, including Tik Tok. Commonly referred to as “Trap Tox” or “Barbie Tox,” this FDA off-label treatment has primarily aesthetic goals with reported potential secondary functional benefits. In fact, treatment of the trapezius muscle with Botox® or similar medications has been popular in Soth Korea for many years. Please see an earlier blog post The Right to Beauty and the Development of Plastic Surgery in Brazil and South Korea for more information. It is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon if you have aesthetic concerns about your face and/or neck.

Restylane Eyelight for Undereye Hollow in Tear Trough in Cincinnati, OH

We at Harmon Facial Plastic Surgery are excited to announce that we are now offering Restylane® Eyelight™ hyaluronic acid filler at our practice! This Galderma product is FDA-approved for the tear troughs in patients with deep undereye hollows. Read an earlier blog post, Tear Trough Filler: An Explainer, for more information. Contact our office in Cincinnati, OH and schedule a consultation to determine whether you are a candidate for Restylane® Eyelight™! It is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon if you have aesthetic concerns about your face and/or neck.

Deep Plane Facelift in Cincinnati, Ohio

While often beneficial for their indicated use(s), non-surgical procedures, including injectables and energy-based devices (e.g., radiofrequency, ultrasound), can alter the tissue in the areas treated by facelift and neck lift surgery. These treatments do not typically preclude surgical treatment of the face and neck. However, they can affect the healing process post-operatively. They also alter the calculus of what facelift and neck lift approach would likely be the safest and most effective. This is why an in-person consultation with a qualified surgeon who has experience operating on patients who have undergone these non-surgical procedures is essential prior to considering any facial plastic surgery procedure. It is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon if you have aesthetic concerns about your face and/or neck.

Lower Eyelid Skin Pinch in Cincinnati, Ohio

Lower eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) can treat heavy bags, loose muscle, and redundant/folded over skin. Each of these features can cause the eyes to look tired and aged. The procedure can be tailored to treat any or all these features, depending on what concerns the patient. For example, some demonstrate changes in their skin only. These individuals may benefit from a minimally invasive lower eyelid skin pinch. This procedure has been available for decades but has recently become popularized on social media, including TikTok. It is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon if you have aesthetic concerns about your face and/or neck.

Nose Surgery (Rhinoplasty) in Cincinnati, Ohio

The difference(s) between a functional and a cosmetic rhinoplasty is(are) of philosophy and goals, not necessarily of specific surgical maneuvers. A functional rhinoplasty is focused on improving nasal breathing by widening or strengthening the opening of one or both nasal cavities. A cosmetic rhinoplasty may be like a functional rhinoplasty but may also involve maneuvers that narrow or reduce the size of the nose. Most patients desire both functional and cosmetic improvement, demanding a mixed philosophy which informs the surgical approach. Overall, it is important to work towards a natural appearing result that fits each patient’s unique facial features when performing a functional rhinoplasty, cosmetic rhinoplasty, or a rhinoplasty that incorporates both functional and cosmetic goals. An in-person consultation is always necessary to evaluate the nose to determine the most appropriate approach. It is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon if you have aesthetic concerns about your face and/or neck.

Hair restoration surgery in Cincinnati, Ohio

Follicular units, which are composed of one or more hair follicles (usually up to four) and important support structures for the hair generating follicles, are removed from a donor site in the back of the scalp and transferred to areas of hair loss during hair restoration surgery. One important factor, among many, to a successful hair restoration surgery procedure is the survival of these grafts between their removal from the donor site and implantation in the recipient site. As a result, extensive research has been conducted to determine the ideal solution to maintain these follicular unit grafts. However, there is no perfect graft solution. We at Harmon Facial Plastic Surgery feel our graft solution provides the best support to the follicular units prior to their transplantation based on the best-available scientific evidence. It is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon if you have aesthetic concerns about your face and/or neck.

Lower blepharoplasty in Cincinnati, Ohio

There are two different bags that can develop in the lower eyelid/cheek region which people request treatment for. These are (1) lower eyelid bags created by fat that has started to prolapse out against the eyelid and (2) festoons, also known as malar bags, which are pockets of swelling located at the eyelid/cheek interface below the lower eyelid bags. Each requires different surgical approaches to treat. The treatment for one does not treat the other. As always, an in-person consultation with a qualified medical professional is essential prior to considering facial plastic surgery. It is important to determine whether the area of concern is related to lower eyelid bags or festoons/malar bags. It is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon if you have aesthetic concerns about your face and/or neck.

Extended deep plane facelift in Cincinnati, Ohio

The core of any facial plastic surgeon’s skills come from their training in fellowship, which follows their residency training. The premier body for fellowship training in facial plastic surgery is the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (AAFPRS). Established surgeons learn from their colleagues by visiting them in the operating room and by engaging with them through medical literature and at meetings. True advancements in surgical techniques are more likely to be published in reputable journals than kept within the surgeon’s operating room. Moreover, these advancements usually improve upon previous innovations in an iterative process where the wisdom of a surgeon’s colleagues is built upon.

Those surgeons who advanced early facelift techniques (e.g., Suzanne Noel) set the stage for improvements based on an evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of those techniques and an improved understanding of the anatomy of the face and neck. No truly innovative technique ignores history. The deep plane facelift as developed by the plastic surgeon Dr. Sam Hamra (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) was a combination of the advancements made by previously developed techniques, specifically the SMASectomy facelift, and new understandings of facial anatomy. The extended deep plane facelift, a technique developed by my AAFPRS fellowship director Dr. Andrew Jacono, advanced upon the deep plane facelift technique as developed by Dr. Sam Hamra (6, 7, 8, 9). This blog post seeks to explain the differences between the deep plane facelift and extended deep plane facelift. As a result, this blog post will explain why these techniques were such an incredible improvement on previous facelift techniques. It is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon if you have aesthetic concerns about your face and/or neck.

Facial plastic surgery in Cincinnati, Ohio

A surgeon mentor once told me many years ago: “Jeff, we are like plumbers.” I initially perceived this negatively. However, the positive reality of this comment became clear to me over time, particularly after reading Shop Class as Soulcraft: An Inquiry into the Value of Work by Matthew B. Crawford, who advances the argument for “work that is meaningful because it is genuinely useful.” The book not only transformed my perspective on the value of the craft trades (e.g., electricians, masons, plumbers) but also my perception of my chosen specialty, facial plastic surgery. It is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon if you have aesthetic concerns about your face and/or neck.

Facial plastic surgery in Cincinnati, Ohio

The two books reviewed below fall under the theme of longevity and aging well. The first book presents a broad argument for transforming how medicine is practiced by focusing on preventing the development of chronic disease rather than treating chronic disease when it occurs. The second book offers a practical guide to maintaining mobility with age, which can be associated with improved health in old age. As always, the purpose of these reviews is to entertain and not to provide direct medical advice nor to serve as replacement for appropriate medical advice. The opinions of the authors do not necessarily reflect the opinion of Dr. Harmon and/or Harmon Facial Plastic Surgery. Instead, we have found that these books ask interesting questions and are also entertaining. It is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon if you have aesthetic concerns about your face and/or neck.


Visual aids assist in explaining complex facial plastic surgery concepts. The Back of the Napkin: Solving Problems and Selling Ideas with Pictures by Dan Roam provides a good system for assessing how to communicate complex concepts to an audience in a manner that is simple but is dense with relevant information. This blog post seeks to summarize the system as described by Dan Roam as well as how we at Harmon Facial Plastic Surgery applied his system to communicating our philosophy on addressing facial aging comprehensively with advanced surgical techniques. It is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon if you have aesthetic concerns about your face and/or neck.

Hemostatic Netting Facelift and Neck Lift Cincinnati, Ohio

You may have seen images or videos of hemostatic netting online: these images or videos are often extreme and unusual examples of patients who have just undergone a facelift and neck lift who have loops of dark suture quilted across their face and neck. Though they capture people’s attention, they are not necessarily good representations of the hemostatic netting technique. The images and videos distract from the reason(s) why surgeons consider using the technique. This blog post seeks to clarify what hemostatic netting is, why it is sometimes used, and where it is typically placed. While evidence of its effectiveness is more limited in the medical literature, the articles that have been published and anecdotal evidence both suggest that hemostatic netting can be effective in reducing the risk of bleeding post-operatively in certain clinical situations. It is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon if you have aesthetic concerns about your face and/or neck. A consultation with a well-qualified surgeon will allow you to determine if the following approach is appropriate for you, because this technique may not be appropriate for every patient.

Extended deep plane facelift in Cincinnati, Ohio

The term “Ozempic® Face” has been widely circulated and commented on on the internet. Its popularity parallels the increased popularity of the use of Ozempic® and its family of medications for weight loss. The term likely refers to the changes in the appearance of the face after the often significant, rapid weight loss associated with the use of these medications.

The following blog post is not a comment on the clinical effectiveness or safety of the Ozempic® family of medications for weight loss or diabetes, its original indicated treatment. Internal medicine physicians and endocrinologists are the experts who should be consulted with regarding the use of these medications. Rather, this blog post discusses the likely features referred to as “Ozempic® Face” as well as the possible surgical and/or non-surgical treatment options for these features. This blog post also considers the potential concerns of this family of medications during anesthesia.

As with all facial plastic surgery procedures, it is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon if you have aesthetic concerns about your face and/or neck.

Non-Surgical Brow Lift in Cincinnati, Ohio

A non-surgical brow lift can be achieved using medications such as Botox©. While not as effective or long-lasting as a surgical brow lift, a non-surgical brow lift can open the eyes up in a beautiful, natural-appearing way. Treatment of the brow with Botox© requires an understanding of the facial muscle anatomy. Moreover, the mechanism of achieving a brow lift non-surgically is commonly misunderstood by patients. This blog post seeks to help patients understand how a non-surgical brow lift with medications such as Botox© works. Seek a fellowship-trained facial plastic surgeon if you have concerns about your face or neck. A consultation with a well-trained, experienced injector is essential to determine whether a non-surgical brow lift is appropriate for you. Furthermore, it is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon if you have aesthetic concerns about your face and/or neck.

Lymphatic Massage in Cincinnati, Ohio

Lymphatic massage, otherwise known as Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD), is increasingly being employed to accelerate the recovery of cosmetic surgery patients, including those who have undergone facelift and neck lift surgery. Starting approximately 4 – 6 weeks after surgery, the goal of MLD therapy is to accelerate the resolution of any remaining post-operative swelling. This is based on the concept, albeit with limited evidence supporting it (1), that a significant contributor to post-operative swelling is the fact that the lymphatic drainage system needs time to heal after surgery. After all, swelling is expected after any surgery in the head and neck. Furthermore, swelling is expected to improve and resolve over a period of weeks to months after facelift and neck lift surgery, regardless of the intervention. MLD is believed to improve the flow of lymphatic fluid away from the treatment site(s) while the body is healing. We at Harmon Facial Plastic Surgery have found this to be one of multiple effective treatment options for normal post-operative swelling in our patients. It is important to have a consultation with your surgeon prior to considering any treatment, including MLD. It is also important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon if you have aesthetic concerns about your face and/or neck.

Masseter botox in Cincinnati, Ohio

Patients have increasingly sought treatment of the corner of the jawline with products such as Botox© for cosmetic and functional purposes. The muscles treated are called the masseter muscles. This blog post seeks to clarify what the masseter muscles are, what cosmetic and/or functional concerns they can contribute to, and how treatment with products such as Botox© may benefit these cosmetic and/or functional concerns. My expertise as an aesthetic facial plastic surgeon is in addressing cosmetic concerns with the masseter muscles. Any functional improvements are wonderful potential secondary benefits. It is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon if you have aesthetic concerns about your face and/or neck to determine whether treatment of your jawline with Botox© is right for you.

Buccal fat removal in Cincinnati, Ohio

There is a great deal of confusion among patients between buccal fat and jowl fat and their appropriate treatment, likely due to the complex shape of facial fat compartments. This blog post seeks to reduce that confusion. It is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon if you have aesthetic concerns about your face and/or neck. A consultation is essential to evaluate whether your concerns are related to your buccal fat, jowl fat, or both. A comprehensive, specific plan may then be developed to best address your concerns safely and effectively.

Facial plastic surgery in Cincinnati, Ohio

Many patients can undergo more than one facial plastic surgery procedure in one surgical session. However, whether a patient can undergo more than one procedure in a single session depends on multiple factors. A detailed discussion with your surgeon is required to determine whether one or more procedures is indicated. A surgical and anesthesia plan is then developed that is safe and as effective as possible. This plan may involve one or more procedures. It is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon if you have aesthetic concerns about your face and/or neck.

Neck lift in Cincinnati, Ohio

The neck is a common area patients seek improvements in with surgery. Signs of aging in the neck are the result of loosening muscle and skin and sometimes the accumulation of fat. The medical literature recognizes youthful contours and angles to the neck and jawline which surgeons can strive for. However, all patients are not born with these features. In fact, there probably is no true “ideal” neck which every patient possesses in youth.

There are many approaches to a neck lift. My approach is through a deep plane neck lift in the central neck in addition to a deep plane lift of the sides of the neck through the extended deep plane facelift. I feel this approach can provide the most comprehensive and longest-lasting improvements in the appearance of the neck. It is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon if you have aesthetic concerns about your face and/or neck. It is important to have a discussion with your surgeon about what can and cannot be accomplished with surgery to treat age-related changes to the neck.

Filler migration in Cincinnati, Ohio

Filler migration involves the movement of injected filler (e.g., hyaluronic acid filler) away from the location in which it was initially injected. This is a very rare occurrence in skilled, experienced hands. There are various reasons why filler migration may occur. All are based on conjecture. It is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon who has extensive experience with injectable procedures to minimize the risk of filler migration.

Facial plastic surgery in Cincinnati, Ohio

The purpose of anesthesia is to reduce the discomfort associated with surgery and to keep the patient safe while allowing the surgeon to complete the operation. The types and depth of anesthesia patients can undergo fall on a spectrum. As a facial plastic surgeon, I am not an authority on anesthesiology. However, I work closely with anesthesiologists in the operating room. I have cared for patients who have received each of the below types of anesthesia. The descriptions below are simply basic summaries to better educate patients. It is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon if you have aesthetic concerns about your face and/or neck.

Rhinoplasty in Cincinnati, Ohio

The nose is composed of multiple, matching, complexly shaped cartilage pieces and bone. The use of additional cartilage is often required to achieve specific functional or aesthetic goals during nose surgery (rhinoplasty). For example, cartilage can be used to open and strengthen the valves of the nose to improve nasal breathing. It can also be used to change the contours of the nose to achieve a specific aesthetic result. There are four different sources of cartilage used in nose surgery (rhinoplasty) to achieve the functional and aesthetic goals of the operation. It is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon if you have aesthetic concerns about your face and/or neck.

Extended deep plane facelift in Cincinnati, Ohio

One major benefit of deep plane facelift surgery, including the extended deep plane facelift, is that unlike other facelift approaches the natural volume of the cheeks can be lifted. The benefits of this are best appreciated dynamically and in-person. However, images can capture some of the nuances of a cheek lift. See the following blog post discussing the differences between a cheek lift with deep plane facelift surgery and fat augmentation of the cheeks. It is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon if you have aesthetic concerns about your face and/or neck. Ask them if they have been fellowship-trained in deep plane facelift surgery, specifically the extended deep plane facelift.

Skin reconstruction in Cincinnati, Ohio

It is a privilege to team up with dermatologists to assist in the treatment of skin cancer. As a facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon, I am enlisted to repair particularly sensitive, aesthetically important areas of the face, such as the nose. It is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon if you have aesthetic concerns about your face and/or neck.

Rhinoplasty in Cincinnati, Ohio

A general Otolaryngologist (ENT) is the usually the first person a patient sees when they have difficulty breathing through their nose in Cincinnati, Ohio. There are multiple causes of nasal obstruction. A deviated nasal septum is one possible cause. Repair of a deviated septum can often improve nasal obstruction. However, the cause of nasal obstruction may involve not only the septum but also the cartilage and bones that give the external shape to the nose. It is in those cases that the patient is usually referred to a sub-specialized, fellowship-trained facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon. It is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon if you have aesthetic concerns about your face and/or neck.

History of facial plastic surgery in Cincinnati, Ohio

A rendering of Homa, the mythological Persian bird that never stops flying, caught my eye. The line to pick up boarding passes and drop off checked luggage for Iran Air was a train of luxury shopping bags, headscarves, and nasal casts. I had landed in Dubai International Airport, which contained a fascinating mix of people from all over the world. It was my first trip to the city, a 30-minute flight from Doha, Qatar where I was based working as a teacher at Weil Cornell Medical College. It was the only flight I have experienced where we started the descent at almost the exact moment we reached cruising altitude.

I have long been fascinated with Iranian culture and history. It may be because my uncle through marriage is Iranian. But despite this fact, my exposure to Iranian culture was shallow. I remember my uncle’s mother visiting them in Lexington, Kentucky in the nineties. From Ahvaz, Iran, she was a very short woman in a headscarf who would spend all day stirring a pot of rice and the evenings smoking hookah under a tent in their backyard. I do not remember eating her rice, or any Persian food for that matter. Iranian culture seemed mentally so comfortable I never processed the differences from American culture. It also seemed physically inaccessible. I would be unable to travel to Iran during my time in Doha because it is potentially dangerous to travel there as an American.

Facial plastic surgery in Cincinnati, Ohio

Teaching involves not only the transmission of knowledge but also the organization of knowledge into a digestible framework whose construction imparts a way to organize other information. In other words, teaching involves teaching students how to learn as much as what to learn. It is that process of constructing the “framework” that allows me to organize my knowledge into a logical, organized, evidence-based facial plastic surgery clinical practice in Cincinnati, Ohio. It is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon if you have aesthetic concerns about your face and/or neck.

Skincare in Cincinnati, Ohio

It is important to maintain the moisture of your skin, especially during the winter months with its cold, dry air. This blog post does not promote a specific skin product. Instead, it is intended to empower those interested to better understand some of the ingredients in moisturizers. Our hope at Harmon Facial Plastic Surgery is that this will help individuals make better-informed choices. It is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon if you have aesthetic concerns about your face and/or neck.

Facial plastic surgery in Cincinnati, Ohio

My wife, Fara, and I are building a facial plastic surgery practice in Cincinnati, Ohio that our children will be proud of as they grow and mature. Our children are the most profound, beautiful gift we have ever been given. And whether our son and daughter choose to enter the field of medicine, Fara and I hope that our example will lead them to a life focused on the care of others. Their existence is the embodiment of our practice’s values. We at Harmon Facial Plastic Surgery care for our patients as we care for our children. It is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon if you have aesthetic concerns about your face and/or neck.

Filler in Cincinnati, Ohio

The differences between hyaluronic acid naturally present in the body, that is applied to the skin in skincare products, and that is injected as filler (e.g., Restylane©) is whether the hyaluronic acid is formulated in the body or the lab and whether the hyaluronic acid is cross-linked or not. It is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon if you have aesthetic concerns about your face and/or neck.

Skincare in Cincinnati, Ohio

Retinoids are derived from Vitamin A, which a common vitamin in human skin. They can be naturally derived or synthetically (i.e., lab) derived. Most retinoids are applied to the skin (i.e., topically) to treat age-related changes to the skin and/or prevent age-related changes to the skin. Those changes, called photoaging, include wrinkles, dark spots, and texture irregularities. Retinoids exert their effects by encouraging the formation of youthful collagen and discouraging the breakdown of collagen in the skin. Retinol is a form of retinoid. Tretinoin is another form of retinoid. Retinoids achieve their effect by acting as hormones. They are easily absorbed by the skin, which is unique compared with other products applied to the skin. This likely contributes to their effectiveness. It is important to have a discussion with a physician as to whether a retinoid such as retinol or tretinoin is appropriate for your face. It is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon if you have aesthetic concerns about your face and/or neck.

Rhinoplasty in Cincinnati, Ohio

I have the privilege as a physician and surgeon of helping patients “feel good about feeling good.” I pride myself as being a well-trained facial plastic surgeon who can provide natural surgical and non-surgical results, safely. However, I often wonder if during my consultation with patients they are thinking: “sure, you know what you are doing, but do you truly understand what goes into making a decision to proceed with facial plastic surgery?” My answer to that question is yes, I do understand. I underwent a rhinoplasty at age 17. It is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon if you have aesthetic concerns about your face and/or neck.

Middle Aged Woman Who Has Had A Deep Plate Facelift in Cincinnati

Swelling is normal and expected after any facelift surgery, including the extended deep plane facelift. It gradually resolves without intervention in almost all cases (see the extended deep plane facelift page for the average expected recovery time). Swelling is largely due initially to the normal healing (i.e., acute inflammatory) response after surgery followed by the fact that the lymphatic drainage system – the system that carries the body’s natural fluid through the body and back to the heart – requires time to heal as well. However, there are multiple strategies available to patients to accelerate the resolution of swelling after surgery. Please note that the below strategies may not be appropriate for every patient. There are potential benefits, potential risks, and alternatives to all of the treatments below, including simply the passage of time. It is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon if you have aesthetic concerns about your face and/or neck. Speak to your surgeon about their preferred strategies to reduce swelling after facelift surgery.

June 1960 Bazaar Magazine Cover

The promotion of aesthetic plastic surgery in the United States increased dramatically after the second world war when surgeons who gained experience reconstructing the war wounded saw a sudden drop in patients. This development paralleled the greater professionalization – the act of increasing training for and/or the qualifications required to enter - of the field of plastic surgery. However, one of the problems associated with the early advertising of plastic surgery services in the 1940s and 1950s was that these promotional efforts did not extend to the head and neck surgery trained facial plastic surgeons who were highly qualified to perform aesthetic facial plastic surgery procedures. It is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon if you have aesthetic concerns about your face and/or neck.

Hair restoration surgery in Cincinnati, Ohio

Hair restoration surgery, which includes follicular strip (FUS) and follicular unit extraction (FUE) procedures, is an excellent option to treat the most common cause of hair loss in men and women, called androgenic alopecia. The pattern of hair loss in men and women with androgenic alopecia differs, though the cause is similar. Here at Harmon Facial Plastic Surgery in Cincinnati, Ohio both FUS and FUE hair restoration surgery is performed for both men and women with concerns about hair loss.

However, there are multiple causes of hair loss for which hair restoration surgery would not be a good treatment option. The examples below are not all-inclusive but present a wide range of potential diagnoses. It is essential that any individual for whom you have a concern about any of these diagnoses should be evaluated by a dermatologist prior to considering hair restoration surgery. Seek a fellowship-trained, double board-certified facial plastic surgeon if you have concerns about your hair and feel hair restoration treatments may be a good option.

Dr. Jeffrey Harmon

The definition of a kludge is a solution that is clumsy, inelegant, inefficient, and difficult to maintain. There are many kludges in facial plastic surgery that should generally be avoided. It is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon if you have aesthetic concerns about your face and/or neck.

Middle aged man with gray hair

The cells that impart color to the hair, called melanocytes, are the same cells that impart pigmentation to the skin. The melanocytes located in hair follicles are more sensitive to the aging process than those in the skin. It is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon if you have aesthetic concerns about your face and/or neck.

Botox in Cincinnati, Ohio

The following blog post is a quick summary of the few things that are okay and need to be avoided after treatment of the face with Botox©. It is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon if you have aesthetic concerns about your face and/or neck.

Facial plastic surgery in Cincinnati, Ohio

The following blog post is a series of book reviews and recommendations that reflect our mantra "Feel Good About Feeling Good." It is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon if you have aesthetic concerns about your face and/or neck.


The following interview is with Christie L. Krazter, Principal at Reztark Design Studio. Reztark Design Studio developed the architectural and interior design plans for Harmon Facial Plastic Surgery. It is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon if you have aesthetic concerns about your face and/or neck.

Rhinoplasty in Cincinnati, Ohio

Revision, or secondary, nose surgery (rhinoplasty) is a technically challenging procedure, largely because the previous surgery usually alters the nasal anatomy in unpredictable ways that require creativity and skill to address and correct. There are many reasons why a patient would desire to undergo revision rhinoplasty. In most cases, however, the recovery from a secondary nose surgery is longer and less predictable than with the first surgery. It is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon if you have difficulty breathing through your nose and/or concerns about the appearance of your nose after a previous nose surgery.

Black and white portrait of Angela Kowalski

Angela Kowalski is the creative for the branding of Harmon Facial Plastic Surgery. It is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon if you have aesthetic concerns about your face and/or neck.

Lip lift in Cincinnati, Ohio

The lips consist of complex anatomy that includes more than simply the red portion of the lips. Each anatomic area of the lip ages and may benefit from interventions targeted to those changes. The following information is adapted from a presentation I have given to other medical professionals. It is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon if you have aesthetic concerns about your face and/or neck.

Lower blepharoplasty in Cincinnati, Ohio

Lower eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) is a complex procedure that involves not only the treatment of lower eyelid bags but also loose muscle and skin in the lower eyelids. It is essential to maintain as much support of the lower eyelids as possible when performing surgery. This involves careful consideration of the most appropriate location for the surgical incisions as well as specialized procedures to strengthen the support of the “hammock” that suspends the lower eyelid. It is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon if you have aesthetic concerns about your face and/or neck.

Extended deep plane facelift in Cincinnati, Ohio

There are many reasons individuals seek revision, or secondary, facelifts. Regardless of the reason, deep plane facelift surgery including the extended deep plane facelift is usually the superior approach. It is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon if you have aesthetic concerns about your face and/or neck.

Facial plastic surgery in Cincinnati, Ohio

Patients can expect a detailed and honest conversation with Dr. Harmon during their consultation at Harmon Facial Plastic Surgery in Cincinnati, Ohio. It is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon if you have aesthetic concerns about your face and/or neck.

Facial plastic surgery in Cincinnati, Ohio

Many people are bothered by their appearance when looking at selfie photos taken on their cellular phone cameras. Unlike professional cameras, the cameras built into cellular phones distort the actual appearance of the face in predictable ways. The above photo is a selfie taken of me and my wife Fara at Van Gogh Exhibition: The Immersive Experience. It is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon if you have aesthetic concerns about your face and/or neck.

Facial plastic surgery in Cincinnati, Ohio

Smoking cessation for many weeks prior to and after surgery is essential to maximize healing and reduce the risks associated with poor wound healing. The components of cigarettes that affect healing include nicotine, carbon monoxide, and hydrogen cyanide. It is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon if you have aesthetic concerns about your face and/or neck.

Belize Medical Mission Doctors and Physicians

I wrote the following article four years ago about my experience on a medical mission to the Corozal Community Hospital in Corozal, Belize in February of 2018 for the American Academy of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery (ABO-HNS). I was awarded a grant from the ABO-HNS to help fund my trip. They asked that I write this article in exchange for the grant. This week-long mission was a formative experience for me. And while I have not yet returned to Belize, I hope to serve the wonderful people there soon. It is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon if you have aesthetic concerns about your face and/or neck.

Facial plastic surgery in Cincinnati, Ohio

There are a massive number of books helpful to master the topics required to succeed in medical school and residency. Each medical specialty has their own sources, which range in size from large multi-volume texts to small clinical reference guides that include brief summaries of what are considered the most important, or high-yield, information “pearls.” Facial plastic surgery clinical reference guides exist as a valuable, though insufficient, source for clinical information for training residents and fellows. It is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon if you have aesthetic concerns about your face and/or neck.

Botox in Cincinnati, Ohio

FDA-approved in 2004, Botox© for underarm sweating (hyperhidrosis) can be an effective treatment for those experiencing severe and persistent underarm sweating. Please seek a skilled and experienced injector in Cincinnati to help determine whether this is an appropriate treatment for you. It is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon if you have aesthetic concerns about your face and/or neck.

Lip lift Cincinnati, Ohio

Botox© and other similar products can be placed in the upper lip to produce the effects of a non-surgical lip lift. The problem with this technique is that the effects tend to be minimal. There are also risks associated with asymmetry and temporary functional problems with the mouth. A surgical lip lift with or without filler (e.g., hyaluronic acid, fat) is usually a superior approach to addressing concerns about the upper lip. It is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon if you have aesthetic concerns about your face and/or neck.

Filler in Cincinnati, Ohio

Hyaluronic acid filler is commonly placed in the jawline to mask age-related changes to the jawline, including drooping jowls and loosening skin and muscle. However, placing hyaluronic acid filler in this location is not a replacement for a facelift and can sometimes masculinize the face and/or accentuate the appearance of the jowls. It is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon if you have aesthetic concerns about your face and/or neck.

Facial plastic surgery in Cincinnati, Ohio

The author James Clear describes a system in the book Atomic Habits to identify activities in which one could excel by asking the following questions:

  1. What feels like fun to me but work to others?
  2. What makes me lose track of time?
  3. Where do I get greater returns than the average person?
  4. What comes naturally to me?

Question 2 refers to the concept of 'flow,' which is a mental state achieved when you are so focused on a task that everything else fades away. James Clear argues that flow tends to be reached more often with activities that sit in a 'Goldilocks Zone,' neither too difficult nor too easy. He argues that it is in this zone that maximal motivation and focus can be achieved.

I have routinely experienced flow during two pursuits, surgery and rowing. It is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon if you have aesthetic concerns about your face and/or neck.

Chin implant in Cincinnati, Ohio

A weak, or recessed, chin can be concerning to men and women, not only because this feature can make the face appear smaller than it is, but it can also make the nose appear larger and more projected than it is. There are surgical and non-surgical options to treat a weak chin. It is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon if you have aesthetic concerns about your face and/or neck.

Laser treatment in Cincinnati, Ohio

Laser resurfacing of the face can address wrinkles and other irregularities of the tone and texture of the skin resulting in a softer, more youthful appearance to the face. Good skin care after treatment with a resurfacing laser is essential. The following post describes this process. It is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon if you have aesthetic concerns about your face and/or neck.

Facial plastic surgery in Cincinnati, Ohio

The face ages in a somewhat predictable pattern, though at a different rate and to a different extent depending on multiple factors. Both genetics and lifestyle choices contribute to the aging process. A detailed understanding of the anatomy and how changes in anatomy lead to the sequelae of facial aging is required to make the most appropriate treatment recommendations. An individual’s aesthetic goals and specific concerns also need to be prioritized to provide optimal, natural results. The following is a concise description of what changes in the face and neck as we age. It is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon if you have aesthetic concerns about your face and/or neck.

Facial plastic surgery in Cincinnati, Ohio

Pre-operative testing and medical clearance from a Primary Care Provider (PCP) are key to maximizing the safety of any surgical procedure in which oral or IV anesthesia medications are being used at Harmon Facial Plastic Surgery in Cincinnati. The testing and medical clearance are reviewed by Dr. Harmon and the physician anesthesiologist prior to the surgery date. It is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon if you have aesthetic concerns about your face and/or neck.

Skincare in Cincinnati, Ohio

It is challenging to identify skin care products based on strong clinical evidence and a strong safety profile. The skin care products I currently use are not perfect. Therefore, my choices may not be well-tolerated or beneficial to others. Every individual’s skin is different. Consider an evaluation by a dermatologist to help determine the best tolerated, safest, and most effective products for your face. It is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon if you have aesthetic concerns about your face and/or neck.

Cincinnati facial plastic surgery drainage devices

Small drains are an important component of the post-operative recovery after an extended deep plane facelift and neck lift at Harmon Facial Plastic Surgery in Cincinnati. While they are usually in place only for one day, the care of these drains is essential while they remain in place. It is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon if you have aesthetic concerns about your face and/or neck.

Facial plastic surgery in Cincinnati, Ohio

Some individuals desire virtual consultations due to distance from the office of Harmon Facial Plastic Surgery in Cincinnati. Other individuals desire virtual consultations prior to considering an in-person consultation. It is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon if you have aesthetic concerns about your face and/or neck.

Facial plastic surgery in Cincinnati, Ohio

You will meet the entire surgical care team, complete paperwork, take photos, and change your clothes for the operating room the morning of surgery at Harmon Facial Plastic Surgery in Cincinnati. It is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon if you have aesthetic concerns about your face and/or neck.

Brow lift in Cincinnati, Ohio

There are a range of approaches to lifting the eyebrows, the best of which depends on the specific anatomy of a patient as well as their aesthetic goals. While the list below is not comprehensive, it highlights two important approaches to the brow lift as well as the considerations that go into choosing which is the most appropriate approach. It is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon if you have aesthetic concerns about your face and/or neck.

Facial plastic surgery in Cincinnati, Ohio

There are many wonderful options for facial rejuvenation prior to a wedding. And whether you are the bride, groom or, more commonly, the mother or father of the bride or groom, it is important to know what procedures are commonly sought and how long before such an event one should consider undergoing these procedures. Seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon to help determine whether any of these procedures may be able to address your concerns and desires.

Rhinoplasty in Cincinnati, Ohio

Nose surgery (rhinoplasty) can address multiple concerns about the nasal bridge (dorsum) and nasal tip. It is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon if you have aesthetic concerns about your face and/or neck.

Fat augmentation in Cincinnati, Ohio

Some individuals lose volume (i.e., fat) in their face as they age. Other individuals are born with poor volume and/or poor projection of their facial bones. Both individuals may benefit from fat augmentation. It is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon if you have aesthetic concerns about your face and/or neck.

Facial plastic surgery in Cincinnati, Ohio

Men frequently seek a wide range of surgical and non-surgical facial plastic surgery procedures. This list is not all-inclusive but does highlight commonly requested procedures. Seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon to help determine whether any of these procedures may be able to address your concerns and desires.

Smiling man looking into camera after receiving hair loss treatment in Cincinnati

Hair loss treatments can address specific concerns about the appearance of the hair on your scalp due to a condition called androgenic alopecia. There are three general categories of hair loss treatments for androgenic alopecia, each of which may or may not benefit you. It is important to first undergo an evaluation by a dermatologist to determine whether there are alternative causes to your hair loss, such as thyroid problems, vitamin deficiencies, infections, auto-immune conditions, or psychiatric illnesses. Seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon to help determine whether – and which – hair loss treatment is appropriate for your concerns once alternative causes have been ruled out.

Scar revision in Cincinnati, Ohio

Scar treatment can address specific concerns about the appearance of a scar on your face and/or neck. There are four general categories of treatments for scars, each of which may or may not benefit you. It is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon to help determine whether - and which - scar treatment is appropriate for your concerns.

Filler in Cincinnati, Ohio

Hyaluronic acid dermal fillers can address specific concerns about flatness or poor volume in your face, including your temples, cheeks, tear troughs, lips, chin, and/or jawline. It is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon to help determine whether dermal fillers are appropriate for your concerns.

Otoplasty in Cincinnati, Ohio

Ear pinning (otoplasty) surgery can address specific concerns about excessive projection of the ears in children and adults. It is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon to help determine whether ear pinning (otoplasty) surgery is appropriate for your concerns.

Laser treatment in Cincinnati, Ohio

Laser treatments can address specific concerns about the skin on the face and neck. It is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon to help determine whether a laser treatment is appropriate for your concerns.

Tear trough filler in Cincinnati, Ohio

Hyaluronic acid filler in the tear troughs can address specific concerns about the interface between the lower eyelid and cheek. It is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon to help determine whether placement of hyaluronic acid filler in the tear troughs is an appropriate treatment for your concerns.

Facial plastic surgery in Cincinnati, Ohio

This blog post is adapted from multiple sources (references below) and summarizes some things I have learned over the years about aging well that I have tried to incorporate into my life. It is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon if you have aesthetic concerns about your face and/or neck.

Fat augmentation in Cincinnati, Ohio

Fat grafting and a cheek lift procedure each address specific concerns about the cheek and the cheek-eyelid interface. It is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon if you have aesthetic concerns about your face and/or neck.

Neck lift in Cincinnati, Ohio

Neck liposuction and a neck lift procedure each address specific concerns about the neck and the area under the jaw. It is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon if you have aesthetic concerns about your face and/or neck.

Lower blepharoplasty in Cincinnati, Ohio

Lower eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) that preserves fat is superior to procedures that strictly remove and sometimes move fat from other areas of the body. It is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon if you have aesthetic concerns about your face and/or neck.

Overview of Facelift Techniques Blog Post Image.jpg

The following information is adopted from a lecture I give to head and neck surgery residents at the University of Cincinnati on the aging face and how it can be treated. It is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon if you have aesthetic concerns about your face and/or neck.

Facial plastic surgery in Cincinnati, Ohio

I noticed the following excerpt from the personal essay I wrote for my facial plastic surgery fellowship application when looking through old email folders:

"My passion for facial plastic and reconstructive surgery in many ways parallels my interest in modern architecture. Irving Gill, one of my favorite architects and a 'premonitory prophet of rationalist modernism' in early twentieth century Southern California, designed residential structures which predated the popularity of the modernist style by decades. I recognize the importance of the qualities he possessed in facial plastic and reconstructive surgery. These qualities include an appreciation of context, a creativity bound by the limits of material and structure, and an obsession with detail.

A student of Frank Lloyd Wright, Gill was heavily influenced by his mentor’s appreciation of how the environment communicated with his designs. Gill’s work, as exemplified by the Dodge House, demonstrated a deep understanding of the historical, social, and environmental context in which it was constructed. Similarly, I appreciate the importance of context in facial plastic and reconstructive surgery. I am fascinated by the concept of the face as a vehicle for communicating emotions and health. I wish to better understand the context in which patients negotiate their surroundings through their appearance in order to provide a surgical result which best matches how they see themselves.

Scarless rhinoplasty in Cincinnati, Ohio

The term “scarless” rhinoplasty is widely marketed. In reality, all incisions heal in a manner different than untouched skin. Incisions can be well-hidden and so subtle that almost no other individual would notice their presence. They can also be poorly hidden and/or abundantly obvious due to abnormal features. The scarless rhinoplasty is approach that can hide the incisions from the view of the public. It is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon if you have aesthetic concerns about your face and/or neck.

Facial plastic surgery in Cincinnati, Ohio

I never bought into the supposed glamour of plastic surgery despite the abundance of advertising to that effect. Rather, I feel glamour is more often intended to be associated with plastic surgeons themselves in advertising.

Virginia Postrel, a cultural writer, argues in her wonderful book The Power of Glamour that glamour “offers the implicit promise of a life devoid of mediocrity” and is “an illusion known to be false but felt to be true.” Facial plastic surgery is, by definition, not an illusion. It does not provide escape but can facilitate engagement with the world on your own terms and with confidence. Ms. Postrel also states that, unlike luxury, glamour is not something money can buy. That is not the case with facial plastic surgery.

But there is one quote from Ms. Postrel’s book about the concept of glamour that I do think defines a great deal of plastic surgery marketing: “bring out the best, conceal the worst, and leave something to the imagination.” The scenes of a plastic surgeon standing next to a private jet in a suit or driving a luxury car with aviators on is meant to glamorize the life of the plastic surgeon, not the client. However, this life, as Virginia Postrel states, is “an illusion known to be false but felt to be true.”

Facial plastic surgery in Cincinnati, Ohio

It is a common misconception that all plastic surgeons have the same background and surgical training. The number and complexity of plastic surgery procedures had increased and the required depth of knowledge and skills to master a specific anatomic area has increased.

The route a facial plastic surgeon takes begins with a five (5) year residency in head and neck surgery. That training includes an extensive volume of cosmetic and reconstructive plastic surgery focused solely on the face, neck, nose, eyes, and hair. Head and neck surgery training also includes head and neck cancer removal, restoration of facial nerve function, sinus surgery, larynx (voicebox) surgery, and airway surgery. A wide range of skills are developed by training in these disparate surgery types on the head and neck anatomy.

A head and neck surgery resident then enters an additional year of training in fellowship focused exclusively on facial plastic and reconstructive surgery through the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstruction Surgery (AAFPRS). It is during this year that our clinical and surgical skills amalgamate and crystallize.

The whole process takes 6 years, after which we start as an employed physician in a hospital or private practice or start our own practice.

Rhinoplasty in Cincinnati, Ohio

Cosmetic nose surgery (rhinoplasty) is one of the most common procedures I perform. Patients who have never undergone nose surgery often request a “smaller” nasal tip. A more refined tip can be delivered with specialized techniques that also preserve the strength and structure of the tip of the nose in most instances.

However, sometimes what individuals perceive as a large or “bulbous” nasal tip is something else entirely. Instead, it is a problem that requires a more complex technique to deliver on their aesthetic goals.

It is important to ground an understanding of why this is sometimes the case by reviewing the anatomy of the nasal tip. The nasal tip is formed primarily by paired cartilages, called lower lateral cartilages, and their ligamentous attachments to each other as well as surrounding cartilage and soft tissue (see image below). The lower lateral cartilages pair up and align at the center. This area of the cartilage is called the medial crura or columella. The cartilages then separate, curving out over the nostrils. This section is called the lateral crura.

It is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon if you have aesthetic concerns about your face and/or neck.

Extended deep plane facelift in Cincinnati, Ohio

The post-operative recovery period is an important time where meticulous care can maximize healing and minimize down time. It is for that reason that Dr. Harmon has developed a comprehensive plan for the post-operative recovery period. It is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon if you have aesthetic concerns about your face and/or neck.

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One of the most common questions I receive when discussing an individual’s desire for hyaluronic acid filler is whether the procedure is painful. That is a very reasonable question. After all, I am using needles and micro-cannulas to place this product in specific areas of the face. These areas can be sensitive. It is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon if you have aesthetic concerns about your face and/or neck.

Smiling Middle Aged Woman_2.jpeg

Commonly referred to as a “non-surgical rhinoplasty” or a “liquid rhinoplasty,” hyaluronic acid filler such as Restylane© products are often placed in the nose to achieve an aesthetic goal. However, this procedure is not appropriate for everyone and has specific limitations that people should be aware of. It is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon if you have aesthetic concerns about your face and/or neck.


This information is adapted from a presentation given to physician groups and a series of videos available online. It is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon if you have aesthetic concerns about your face and/or neck.

Source: Martin, Paula J. Suzanne Noel: Cosmetic Surgery, Feminism and Beauty in Early Twentieth-Century France. Burlington, Vermont: Ashgate, 2014. Print.

Smiling Middle Aged Woman

This blog post is adapted from a presentation we have given for interested groups who wanted more information about the use of Botox© in Cincinnati. We at Harmon Facial Plastic Surgery recognize the intelligence and sophistication of our clients. They want to understand the treatments they receive at a deeper level. It is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon if you have aesthetic concerns about your face and/or neck.

Facial plastic surgery in Cincinnati, Ohio

Nutrition goes a long way when preparing for and recovering from surgery! Proper nutrition can be the key to a successful surgery. What you learn here should empower you while relieving some of the stress you may feel going into and coming out of your upcoming surgical procedure. It is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon if you have aesthetic concerns about your face and/or neck.

Extended deep plane facelift in Cincinnati, Ohio

A common question asked during consultation for facelift surgery is what the post-operative dressings will look and feel like. Many express a concern about being required to wear large, heavy compression dressings for days after surgery. They ask if this will be required after the extended deep plane facelift.

The short answer is no, for the following reasons:

  1. Compression dressings have historically been used to prevent or reduce the risk of blood accumulating under the skin after surgery, called a hematoma. Unfortunately, there is no evidence compression dressings significantly reduce the risk of hematoma formation. Instead, the use of a special local anesthesia mixture, blood pressure control during and after surgery, and meticulous surgical technique to minimize the transection of blood vessels are the best ways to minimize the risk of hematoma formation (1), (2), (3), (4).

  2. Tight compressive dressings can reduce blood flow to the skin, which can harm wound healing.

Extended deep plane facelift in Cincinnati, Ohio

You are likely aware of silicone-based scar gels by seeing ScarAway© or another over-the-counter brand in your local pharmacy. Surgeons in all specialties as well as dermatologists recommend these scar gels after procedures to promote healing and reduce the risk of scarring. But how well do they work? I reviewed the literature in order to determine whether silicone gels, placed post-operatively after surgical incisions have healed, can help reduce the appearance of incisions. Not surprisingly, quality studies are difficult to find. It is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon if you have aesthetic concerns about your face and/or neck.

There are two ways of describing an abnormal scar, hypertrophic and keloid. There may seem to be little distinction between the two. However, the underlying process that causes them to form is radically different. Basically, a hypertrophic scar remains within the boundaries of the original incision or injury. A keloid, on the other hand, expands beyond it. The goal of silicone gels and patches are to not only reduce the risks of hypertrophic scar or keloid formation, but also to reduce the redness of an incision and accelerate the fading of the appearance of a scar.

Facial plastic surgery in Cincinnati, Ohio

It is common practice to recommend vitamins and other supplements peri-operatively with the intention to help with recovery and healing. Arnica montana, a Swiss mountain shrub otherwise referred to as arnica, is widely used to reduce bruising and swelling after surgery. l evaluated the medical literature to determine the effectiveness of arnica, focusing on high-quality studies (see previous blog post “How (Thoughtful) Surgeons Think) that specifically evaluated its effectiveness for facial plastic surgery procedures.

The first procedure I looked at was nose surgery (rhinoplasty) because, depending on the approach taken, some bruising and swelling around the eyes is expected. The first study, from 2007, was randomized and controlled (1). It evaluated the effectiveness of arnica taken by mouth. Unfortunately, no difference was found between the use of oral arnica and placebo (no intervention) on the extent and severity of bruising. This study used subjective ratings by researchers. In contrast, a meta-analysis from 2017 combining data from three other randomized, controlled studies comparing the effects of oral arnica with placebo found a significant decrease in post-operative swelling and bruising with the use of arnica during the recovery period (2). At least one of those studies utilized a more objective assessment of the bruising utilizing a computer program (3). My review of the literature suggests oral arnica could be effective in treating bruising after nose surgery.

Dr. Harmon With A Patient

It can be difficult to adhere to strict scientific principles when recommending medical treatments to patients as a Cincinnati facial plastic surgeon simply because there is often so little quality data to support some recommendations. It is the nature of surgery more broadly, and plastic surgery specifically, probably because it is so difficult to develop and execute a high-quality study while ethically treating every individual with the most up-to-date standards of care. It is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon if you have aesthetic concerns about your face and/or neck.

It is for this reason I thought it important to walk through how physicians think when we evaluate the effectiveness of treatments for patients. This will give you a window into how I think about what I recommend to my patients peri-operatively. The post will provide important context for follow up blog posts where I will comment on common peri-operative treatments intended to improve and accelerate healing.

Skincare in Cincinnati, Ohio

The English-language literature on the use of the natural ingredient bakuchiol topically as an alternative to retinols in treating age-related changes to the skin (i.e., photoaging) will be reviewed. It is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon if you have aesthetic concerns about your face and/or neck.

Peri-Oral Rhytids in Cincinnati, Ohio

One of the most common concerns people express about their face as they age is the presence of smoker’s lines, or peri-oral rhytids, around the mouth. These stubborn lines are difficult to treat. It is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon if you have aesthetic concerns about your face and/or neck.

Extended deep plane facelift in Cincinnati, Ohio

People generally know their body better than anyone else, including their physician. However, people do not always have the medical language to explain what they see when they look in a mirror. For example, you may have heard and understand the term “jowling” but do not quite feel like that fully explains what you see. It is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon if you have aesthetic concerns about your face and/or neck.

As explained in a previous blog post (4 Benefits of the Extended Deep Plane Facelift), the extended deep plane facelift can address multiple signs of aging of the lower two-thirds of the face as well as the neck in a manner that other facelift approaches cannot.

However, the upper one-third of the face and the upper lip also undergo age-related changes, which no facelift approach can address. The lateral temporal lift and lip lift are complementary procedures to the extended deep plane facelift and neck lift.

Brow lift in Cincinnati, Ohio

More advanced surgical techniques for addressing a drooping brow have been developed as our understanding of facial anatomy has advanced. This is in line with an evolving preference for more natural, subtle results for a brow lift. People with concerns about drooping eyebrows often benefit from a lateral temporal brow lift.

Women tend to have a more “peaked” eyebrow than men. However, as aesthetic preferences have changed this peak has become less dramatic, reflecting a more sophisticated desire for a natural look to their eyebrows. That is where the lateral temporal brow lift comes in.

The lateral temporal brow lift is the most advanced surgical technique to provide a long-lasting, natural, improvement in drooping eyebrows while preventing the development of an unnaturally “surprised” appearance. It is the best approach for most patients, who are usually bothered by drooping of the sides of the eyebrows. Like the extended deep plane facelift, the lateral temporal lift involves the release of all the tension points around the eyebrow so that it can be lifted precisely and without tension, thereby improving results, healing, and longevity of the procedure.

Lip lift in Cincinnati, Ohio

Have you wondered whether placement of hyaluronic acid filler such as Restylane© in the lips can impart a more voluminous and youthful appearance to your lips? Have you wondered how this compares with a surgical lip lift? The lip lift is a procedure that can be performed under local anesthesia or IV sedation to address specific aesthetic concerns of the lip that lip filler cannot. It is important to seek not only a fellowship-trained but also a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon if you have aesthetic concerns about your face and/or neck.

Extended deep plane facelift in Cincinnati, Ohio

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Disclaimer: This page and the blog posts are for educational or entertainment purposes only and do not constitute direct medical advice. The blog should not be used as a substitute for direct medical advice. Some of the blog posts contain links to third-party websites, the content of which may not reflect the opinion(s) of Harmon Facial Plastic Surgery. Furthermore, the information contained in the blog posts cannot be guaranteed to be completely up-to-date. Therefore, it is essential that you have a consultation with a qualified medical provider prior to considering any treatment in order to determine whether you are a candidate for treatment. This will also allow you the opportunity to discuss any potential benefits, risks, and alternatives to the treatment.